

How many photos will I have?

Do you have any advice on location?

The number of photos you will have depends on the package you choose. The gallery i deliver has around 80-100 photos. You can select your favourites from the gallery and download them directly. You can always choose to upgrade to the full gallery later when you receive your gallery.

Yes! I do! Check out the location tab! You will find some inspiration from previous sessions and some might resonate more with you than others. Think also about your home and if you want to print a photo, what best would suit your decor? I am here to help you make your final choice and I know great locations. If you are interested in something different, I am always happy to explore! Get in touch!



Do you require a deposit?

What should I wear?

There is a $100 deposit to save your date. It is transferable but non refundable. The session will be rescheduled in case of heavy rain or very high wind. The remaining amount is due 1 week prior the date of your session.

Your should wear something you are confortable in. Try to google "what to wear for a photoshoot" and you will find lots of ideas. My advice is not to wear "busy" patterns or logo as this won't age well. The best is to try to stay neutral with colors that compliment each other. Accessories such as hats, scarfs could be great.

What’s Next




The session.

After the session.

Book your session.

A few days before your session, I will come back to you to finalise the location.

I will also send you a questionnaire to know a bit more about you.

And then, magic happens! It's time for fun. Don't be stress and enjoy the ride!

You will receive your gallery generally within 2 weeks after your session. Your photos are already edited and you can choose your favourites and download your photos. Extra photos can be purchased directly on the gallery. I also partnered with a Australian business to give you the most amazing prints and fine art. You can order them directly from the gallery.

Contact me via my contact page if you have any question or if you are ready to book a session.

We will find a date that both suit us.